
PyQGIS, QML and charts

dateJuly 30, 2019

tagsQGIS, Python, QML, Charts

avatarPaul Blottiere


A recurring question when developing a QGIS Python Plugin is the kind of existing tools or libraries to plot a graph, and there is no single solution yet.

The most common solution is the famous matplotlib library and there are many examples available online. Indeed, it’s a robust solution with a huge amount of documentation.

Another very interesting solution is the Plotly library, which allows to make high quality graphs with an emphasis on interactivity. By the way, DataPlotly is an awesome QGIS plugin written by Matteo Ghetta which uses Plotly and allows to explore your data thanks to numerous plot types.

A third solution is Pygal, a simple but still efficient Python library allowing to draw and export SVG graphics. Interactivity is limited, but still sufficient for numerous cases. For example, graffiti uses this library to generate statistics reports on QGIS Server performances.

A clear disadvantage of this non-exhaustive list of solutions is the need of an external library, requiring the installation of a specific package. It’s not a big issue, but the ability to draw good quality charts without external dependencies within QGIS is still a real question. By the way, a QEP is currently in progress on this subject. On this occasion, Hugo Mercier recently brought up the possibility to directly use the QGIS core symbology to plot charts, just like what was done for the QGeoloGIS plugin.

But in this article, we’ll take a look to a completely different solution: the Qt QML module. Actually, this module provides a dedicated API to design and display many different kinds of chart types. Not only this solution allows to plot high quality graphs with a compelling interactivity, but it’s directly distributed with Qt.

Pie Chart

Since QGIS 3.4, QML may be used to subtly configure your widget thanks to David Signer. But from now on, we’re going to focus on ways to use the QML chart API in QGIS Python plugins. Source code provided in this article is available on github through a plug-and-play script and can been tested in the code editor embedded with QGIS.

Source code has been tested on GNU/Linux (Archlinux) with QGIS master and on Windows 10 with QGIS 3.8. On Windows, QGIS was installed with the standalone installer and no additional packages was needed to use the QML API. On Archlinux, I had to install the qt5-charts package.

QML loading

Our first goal is to display a simple pie chart. To do that, we create a QML file pie.qml with a ChartView containing a PieSeries with some slices. The chart is slightly customized (title, background color, …) but much more can be done.

import QtCharts 2.0
import QtQuick 2.0

ChartView {
  antialiasing: true
  title: "Chart Title"
  titleColor: "white"
  backgroundColor: "#404040"
  legend.labelColor: "white"

  PieSeries {
    PieSlice { label: "Slice0"; value: 70.0 }
    PieSlice { label: "Slice1"; value: 15.5 }
    PieSlice { label: "Slice2"; value: 14.5 }

Thus, we can use the QQuickView Python class with the setSource() method to effectively load the QML file.
from qgis.PyQt.QtCore import QUrl
from PyQt5.QtQuick import QQuickView

qml = "/tmp/pie.qml"

view = QQuickView()

if view.status() == QQuickView.Error:
    for error in view.errors():

Pie Chart

A dedicated window is displayed after calling show() because QChartView inherrits from QWindow. So, we have to create a container to embed a window into a QWidget if we want to display the chart within another widget. It can be done thanks to QWidget::createWindowContainer() static method. And in doing this, we are able to add the chart view within a QGIS dock widget.
from qgis.PyQt.QtWidgets import QWidget, QDockWidget
from qgis.PyQt.QtCore import Qt

container = QWidget.createWindowContainer(view)

widget = QDockWidget()

iface.addDockWidget(Qt.LeftDockWidgetArea, widget)


Configure QML items from Python

In the above example, slices of the pie chart are configured in the QML file, but now, we want to customize the item from a Python script. There are several ways of doing that, but the easiest solution is to use QML properties.

import QtCharts 2.0
import QtQuick 2.0

ChartView {
  title: pypie.title

  PieSeries {
    id: pieChartId

  Component.onCompleted: {

  function addSlices() {
    var slices = pypie.slices
    for (var name in slices) {
      pieChartId.append(name, slices[name])

The Component.onCompleted() handler is called once the QML object is instantiated. So we use the addSlices() QML function to retrieve slices from Python thanks to the pypie.slices. Actually, the pypie variable is a QObject coming from Python. The same object is used to define the chart title. We may note that the PieSeries id is used to add slices in the chart with the pieChartId.append() method.

Now, let’s define the Python class inheriting from QObject to be used as the pypie property:
class PyPie(QObject):

    titleUpdated = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str)

    def __init__(self):
      self._title = "Chart Title"
      self._slices = { "Slice0": 70.0, "Slice1": 15.5, "Slice2": 14.5}

    @QtCore.pyqtProperty(str, notify=titleUpdated)
    def title(self):
        return self._title

    def title(self, title):
        if self._title != title:
            self._title = title

    def slices(self):
        return self._slices

The PyPie class specifies in particular the title property thanks to the decorator pyqtProperty. It allows the QML item to retrieve the title thanks to pypie.title. An interesting thing to note is the notify parameter used in this decorator. Actually, it means that as soon as the signal titleUpdated is emitted, the property of the QML item will be automatically updated. In the same way, the slices method is also defined as a property.

Finally, the last necessary step is to “link” the pypie property with a PyPie instance. To do that, we just have to use the setContextProperty() method on the view’s context.
qml = "/tmp/pie.qml"

pypie = PyPie()

view = QQuickView()
view.rootContext().setContextProperty("pypie", pypie)

Pie chart and rule-based renderer

For a more concrete example, we consider a vector layer based on Open Data where the SU_M2_2014 field, indicating the solar installation surface by municipality in Brittany, is used to define a Rule based renderer where symbols are varying in color and size.


This way, if we want to display a pie chart based on the number of features for each rule with the corresponding color, we have to implement a method to build slices from the renderer settings as well as adding a labelColor() method to retrieve rule’s color from a specific label.
class PyPie(QObject):

    def __init__(self):
      self._title = "Chart Title"

    def initSlices(self):
        slices = {}
        layer = iface.activeLayer()
        total_count = layer.featureCount()

        renderer = layer.renderer()
        for item in renderer.legendSymbolItems():
            if not renderer.legendSymbolItemChecked(item.ruleKey()):

            count = layer.featureCount(item.ruleKey())
            slices[item.label()] = count * 100 / total_count

        self._slices = slices

    @QtCore.pyqtSlot(str, result='QColor')
    def labelColor(self, label):
        renderer = iface.activeLayer().renderer()

        for item in renderer.legendSymbolItems():
            if item.label() != label:

            return item.symbol().color()

        return QColor()

    def slices(self):
        return self._slices

Then, the addSlices() QML function is updated and a new sortValues() function is introduced to sort slices by value in the chart.

function sortValues(obj)
  var array=[]

  for(var key in obj) {
    if(obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
      array.push([key, obj[key]])

  array.sort(function(a, b) {
    return b[1]-a[1]

  var dict = {}
  for ( var index in array ) {
    const item = array[index]
    dict[item[0]] = item[1]

  return dict

function addSlices() {
  const slices = sortValues(pypie.slices)

  for (var name in slices) {
    var slice = pieChartId.append(name, slices[name])
    slice.color = pypie.labelColor(name)


Notify events from Python to QML items

The disadvantage of the previous method is that the pie chart is not dynamic, because it does not reflect changes of the vector layer (title, symbology, …). To do that, we have to introduce a Connections QML element which is able to react on a signal emitted by a Python object.

In our case, the aim is to keep the pie chart up to date according to the current visibility of rules. So, the first step is to detect when a user modifies a rule’s visibility in order to update slices and emit a signal updated.
class PyPie(QObject):

    updated = QtCore.pyqtSignal()

    def __init__(self):
        self._slices = {}


    def update(self):


On QML side, the Connections element just need to define the onUpdated signal handler to reset slices.

Connections {
  target: pypie
  onUpdated: {


Catch events from QML items

In the previous part, we saw how to use the Connection QML element to execute QML function when a Python signal is emitted, but the reverse is also possible.

In our case, the pie chart defines some signal handlers like onHovered or onClicked. This way, it’s easy to call a Python method when an action is directly realised on the chart.

PieSeries {
  id: pieChartId

  onClicked: {
      for ( var i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
          at(i).exploded = false
      slice.exploded = true

Selecting features when a slice is clicked is pretty simple then.
def select(self, label):
    layer = iface.activeLayer()
    renderer = layer.renderer()

    for item in renderer.legendSymbolItems():
        if item.label() != label:

        rule = renderer.rootRule().findRuleByKey(item.ruleKey())
        expr = rule.filterExpression()

        fids = []
        for feature in layer.getFeatures(expr):




To conclude we can say that the QML API to draw charts is clearly a solution which should not be neglected when developing a Plugin for QGIS 3. Indeed it’s:

As a matter of interest, a self-sufficient pyqgis script is available on github to draw pie charts for any vector layer using a rule-based renderer.